Mt. Harvard (2nd attempt)
Barry was in town for testing and we decided to try a 14er. This was his first time at hiking in Colorado so I left the decision up to him. I provided him my 14er book. I actually thought he might like to try a local hike like Mt. Herman or Palmer Lake Reservoir but he wanted something with gusto. He decided on Harvard and I was glad since I had tried and failed back in the early summer (1st attempt). I picked him up at his hotel in the Springs around 5 and we drove straight to BV. I had mentioned stopping for breakfast in Woodland Park (Donut Mill!) but his Atkins diet wouldn't allow it (as you can probably tell I am not a fan of the diet!). We arrived in BV just after 6 and stopped at the only open restaurant, Jan's. Breakfast was quite good and from there we headed to the trailhead.
We got off to the wrong foot because I wasn't paying attention and ended up going the wrong way but quickly recovered (lost about 30 minutes?). We made good time and Barry seemed to be doing very well for a flat-lander. The weather was also nice which made things seem well even though we were always on the lookout for lightning. To say the least this time was much more pleasant than my previous attempt since there was no snow.

"Bear" looking down on Bear Lake

At approximately 13,000 feet said he was done. He seemed to be doing well but said he didn't think he should push it anymore (he was slowing down but so was I). He handed me my other walking stick and I continued up. My goal was to reach the summit but the clouds were starting to roll in but still no lightning. I felt like I might make it and in fact had passed 14,000 feet but ended up turning back because of lightning. Several people passed me (coming down) and said they hadn't made it but were scared. In fact at one point I looked back towards Barry (he waited and didn't turn back) and tried to get his attention by waiving my trekking poles. At the time I didn't realize it but I was feeling some static electricity. At the time I thought that perhaps I had banged my elbow (e.g. funny bone) because I felt "funny." We got a good laugh about it and the lightening stayed away.

Me w/Columbia in the background

Notice the new hail on Columbia