Pikes Peak
Been planning to do this for over a year, but we finally got it done. My youngest son Jacob (12) and I made it. Just 2 days earlier I was able to get us booked at Barr Camp as well as confirmed seats on the COG coming down the next day.
We arrived at the trailhead just before 10 a.m. and actually found a parking spot. After loading up we started making our way up the trail. I tried to keep Jacob's load as light as possible but he still ended up with my old Coleman day pack with my newly purchased (via E-Bay) Lafuma sleeping bag. He also had a small Nalgene, a sports drink and a few articles of clothing. I had essentially the same but more water and a heavier sleeping bag in addition to a water filter and first aid kit. We each also had a paperback to read.
We made good time in spite of the heat and the steepness of the inital mile or so. After reaching the trail for the incline we decided to venture over (.5 miles) and check it out. From there we rejoined the trail and arrived at Barr Camp just before 2.

Jacob at the top of the incline

Looking down from the top of the incline

I was slightly concerned about Jacob being able to keep up but he proved otherwise. For much of the trail he was ahead of me urging me on! In fact, as we approached Barr Camp he jogged (sprinted?) the last 1/2 mile or so. Thankfully for both of us the weather cooperated and we stayed dry and lightning-free the whole trip.
After arriving at Barr Camp we put our gear in the bunkhouse section of the back and occupied our time before dinner with horseshoes, reading and napping (Jacob more than me!).

A "friend" we met at Barr Camp

Jacob resting before dinner (and more horseshoes!)

Dinner was good, at least for me. It was spaghetti but with more of a stroganoff (sp?) sauce than red sauce. The homemade bread was excellent. After dinner we played some more shoes, read, played cards and finally turned in around 9:30. The section we ended up sleeping in was one of the loft sections. There was room for a total of 4 people to sleep (1 full, 2 twin mattresses) but we had the area to ourselves. Sleeping was okay, but not great. The room was actually quite warm and was too quiet for my taste. We drifted in and out of sleep but definitely got rest.
After our nights rest I got up around 6 and read till 6:30 for breakfast. Jacob and I joined the rest of the group of about 15 or so for pancakes. I enjoyed the blueberry w/nuts but Jacob was not thrilled. After breakfast we went outside for some more horseshoes and then headed out around 8.

Preparing for the summit

We made good time with only a few brief stops prior to timberline. We walked over to the A-Frame and unloaded our packs for a few minutes. While I filtered some water Jacob enjoyed feeding a chipmunk and a bird.

This is why we wear hats when we hike!

After taking some pictures we headed back up the mountain. We started leap-frogging a family of 4-5 people and noticed at least one of them was cutting the switch-backs, in fact one girl joked about it. Jacob and I discussed the bad points of doing this, in fact, at one point I was tempted to inform her dad but decided not to.
Later on while stopping to catch our breath we were passed by an older gentleman. I apologized in advance but I had to know his age. 70 years old! I congratulated him for his accomplishment and he laughed and said he wasn't there yet. We later saw him at the top and had a chance to speak with him some more.
The weather cooperated and we made time the rest of the way up. We reached the summit around 12:30.

At the summit!

After taking a few pictures we went inside for lunch. We both got pizza and then later got some french fries along with a donut. We walked around the summit parking lot, something I have never done before, and also ventured out to take some more pictures. The clouds were rolling in as was the weather it was bringing. Probably an hour or so after we arrived the summit was completed fogged in. I felt sorry for the folks still arriving. It was pretty pitiful to see them step off the COG and just kind of wander around looking for a picture to take.
Speaking of the COG, I was a little confused on what to do with regards to our passage down. I had bought tickets over the phone and the only confirmation I had was a 3-digit number. I asked the first conducter I saw and he actually said they might be able to get us on an earlier COG but we wouldn't be able to sit together. We decided to wait and be able to sit together. When our car arrived we got on with no problem and of course were able to sit together. We sat with a nice couple from Minnesota who were vacationing.

Sleeping on the COG

Shortly after boarding it started to hail, in fact there was some pretty significant accumluation. The weather didn't really cooperate but we made it down with no problems. It was raining when the COG pulled into the station and ironically enough this was the wettest I got the whole trip (walking to the trailhead to get my Jeep).
Quite a memorable trip with son and I hope to repeat a similar trip with my oldest.